Smalled HTML extensions

This page contains a number of examples created with the Smalled HTML extension. As such, this page is intended to provide simple examples of the HTML tagging language and is deprived from any flash. It's intended to get people started. For experienced HTML users there is enough to be found on the Net.

The Smalled HTML extension is written for the Smalled editor, but is will function with any MLE.

In this example page the examples are presented in the order the pages apear in SMEHTM.

Page 1 Main

The background and the title in the titlebar are created with the Main page. The title you see in the Titlebar is filled in, in the title field. The background image file is given in the background field. This resulted in the folowing (mandatory) code in this HTML file you're currently looking at:

<!--Smalled HTML Extension-->
<HEAD><TITLE>Smalled HTML extensions Example page</TITLE></HEAD>


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Page 2 Font

The Font page contains a number of tags that are mainly used in textformatting. Not all possibilities are supported by all browsers, so a number of tags may not show the desired result.
With the heading tags you can give text different sizes. The lines formatted like this will act as a title. In most browsers a linebreak with a white-line will follow directly after the heading.

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

Also several styles of text attributes can be used.


These attributes can also be mixed. Here are some examples:

Teletype italic

HTML supports several ways of adding samples and textquotes. This will result in a different font, indenting or attribute for the text. Note that for different browsers this may result in a different effect.

This text is done with Code sample
This text is done with Blockquote (No <BR> needed)
This text is done with Citation
This text is done with Sample

Text can be emphesized in several ways. In most cases Italic, Bold etc will be used. However, HTML also haqs two emphasis tags. Normal and Strong. With most browsers this will result in a Italic and a Bold font.
Some browsers also support super and subscript text. The OS/2 WebExplorer 1.03 doesn't support this.
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Page 3 Page

The Page page has a number of tags that perform page layout functions.
This text for example in centered in the page

The lines that are showing between pages and between sections are done with the ruler tag. This ruler can be done in a number of ways. Here are some examples:

The comment tag is something special. This tag allows you to make notes in the page which aren't visible. So the following text should't be visible.
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Page 4 Char

A number of characters can't be used directly in a HTML page because they are elements of the HTML language. The best example of this are the characters that are used in tags like < and >.

The following special (HTML) characters supported by SMEHTM are:

Besides that characters with accents on it are positioned in different places in the extended ASCII table depending on the codepage used. HTML has specific tags for these characters. If you want to place an accent, simple select the letter you want to accent and select the accent of choice. Some examples of accents:


A number of characters are not part of the HTML tagging language but have the habit of appearing at different places in the extended ascii table. The following characters are supported by SMEHTM


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Page 5 List

The list possibility is already used in this page. The row with links to every subpage on the top of this webpage is a list.
HTML knows three kinds of lists which can all be used nested.
  1. Ordered list item 1
  2. Ordered list item 2
    1. Nested ordered list item
    2. Another nested ordered listitem
  3. Normal ordered...
  4. Ordered
    Nested term
    And the matching definition
    Well, again

Well, lets build a new sample which isn't that messy. This time it consist only of unordered lists. Note the bullit changes.

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Page 6 Link

A special type of link, the name tag, has already been shown. This tag is used to jump in one document. It is used in the list on top to link to the separate page descriptions.
In a link, text as well as an image can be used for the link. Here are some (of the most used) link examples. Look at the statusline when your cursor is over one of these links.

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Page 7 Table

Tables are one of the trickiest things in HTML. The HTML text can be very tough to read, but the results are great. Just take a look at Gary Hammer's "Must-Have Utilities and FTP Links" page.
Here are is a simple examples with only text, but any HTML element, images and links can be put in a table:

Test table 1
One large header
Another rowover two cols
Two colsCol
2 rows/2cols2 Cols
2 Cols

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Page 8 Image

This is an image example that also contains a link to the top of the page. Just click the image.